I am William D. Franklin. I was born on December 30th, 1984 in Beaumont, TX. I am a Pastor, a Prophet, and the Founder of Game Changers Nation. I have been in ministry since the age of 14. I have been pastoring since 2007. God instilled in me a passion for ministry in my youth and since then my love for God, his word, and his people has grown far beyond what I thought was possible for me growing up in the Baptist church. Throughout my years and growth in ministry I have grown to appreciate and value integrity, honor, and order.
Im known for my Mantle In Deliverance as well as my strong gift for Preaching the Word of God. The day that I was filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord told me that he would give me the nose of a grey hound dog in the spirit. When I was filled with his spirit he began to activate spiritual giftings that would give me insight to reveal and expose the hidden works and plots of the enemy. I was called to the Office of the Prophet at the age of 14. I started out in my city, Beaumont, TX, developing the the Heart of an Evangelist, under the tutelage of my Spiritual Mother, Apostle Jennie Morris, New Hope Deliverance Ministries. When I was coming up in her ministry amid the deliverance and prophetic mantle that started to be birthed out of me, I began to hear God concerning the church. In response, her words to me was "You don't have a word for the Church until you have brought in some souls." That stuck with me, so I began to go out into my neighborhood, meeting people in parks and different places, and there I would pray for them and lead them into salvation. From that point God started developing the Intercessor in me and before long my leader trusted me to stand as a Pillar in her Ministry.
Years later, I found God leading me to Pastor. Which came as a surprise for me because I had always been comfortable being the follower and supporting the work of my leader's ministry. I started off in basements, parks, street sides, basket ball courts, and from house to house working deliverance, preaching, and teaching to anyone who had been open enough to hear what the Lord was saying from an introverted young man, coming up in the ranks, and stepping out on who God had called me to be.
My Mantle is peculiar. I tell people all the time, William Franklin the Man is much different from William Franklin the Preacher/Prophet. God had put a mandate on me that required me step outside the normal confines of who I was. Naturally I'm soft spoken, a man of few words, but when my Mantle is at work, a new person emerges, the limitations come off and now God and who is through me enters the room. The Mantle and Mandate upon my life has been to raise the dead, deliver the broken hearted, and to set God's people free.
17 years of Pastoring, Preaching, and Prophesing and this is who I AM.